Nguyễn Thanh Tuyến's Blog
Nguyễn Thanh Tuyến's Blog
Blog Post

Reflection 2 –

October 8, 2023 Uncategorized

When I learned about ABCD learning objectives, I found it so powerful and simple. Powerful as it is useful and effective to apply in teaching. Simple as it is easy to be used and conducted. This module is quite new to me as I didn’t usually apply it into my lessons when I still joined the teaching activities. I just used textbooks and files online.

However, after I got this module, I found it necessary to write objectives for lessons. It helped to save time to prepare and got more effective lessons. 

During the time of teamwork discussion about ABCD, we got more understanding and shares from teammates. Especially,  when Ms Hường gave feedback in details for groups and teams or questions, she gave clear explanations for us to understand and apply easily in our teaching jobs.

I am now not involving in teaching directly, so the way I enhance and obtain knowledge is a bit different from others. I like keywords to manage easily. This ABCD is helpful for my teachers.

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